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Muscadet agregar columnas

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Mensajes: 8
Registrado: Vie, 27/04/2018, 21:16

Muscadet agregar columnas

Mensaje por edd_ts »

Hola a todos,

hace poco empecé a probar la versión 7.0 de dolibarr y me gusto mucho, lo empecé a usar en mi empresa y le veo mucho futuro, sin embargo no he encontrado la manera de agregar columnas a mis PDF's por que no se de donde puedo jalar las variables de lo que se llena en el formulario de cualquier pagina.

Por lo pronto logre agregar el titulo de la constante(variable solo con el diccionario) "SupplierRef" en el PDF, solo agregué una variable para la posicion "X" del texto de supplierReference y le di la primer posicion, luego la posicion "X" de la descripción la volvi relativa a mi nueva posicion y listo, tengo una columna al inicio con el titulo del valor deseado, para ajustar el texto me metí al diccionario y reemplazé los textos de SupplierRef por unos mas cortos.

Me falta encontrar donde hace la declaracion de la descripcion y le concatena el valor de ("SupplierRef" + " - " +"ProductDescription") por ejemplificar de alguna manera, para luego remover de esa parte el valor de "SupplierRef" y moverlo a mi nueva columna.

También me gustaría saber algunas cosas adicionales como:
1.-Como quitar el pie de página(muestra mi RFC)
2.-Mostrar mi RFC junto a mis datos en el cuadro azul
3.-Generar una nueva variable en la base de datos y leerla para seleccionar el catalogo del SAT(En México es la organizacion fiscal) para los productos que compre o venda y que me la solicite al momento de llenar las ordenes de compra, y también los muestre en una nueva columna en mi PDF
4.-Cuando una orden, proyecto, factura sea cancelada que cambie el status en el PDF para poder enviar a cliente/proveedor

Código: Seleccionar todo

/* Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Laurent Destailleur   <>
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Regis Houssin         <>
 * Copyright (C) 2007      Franky Van Liedekerke <>
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Juanjo Menent         <>
 * Copyright (C) 2015       Marcos García        <>
 * Copyright (C) 2017      Ferran Marcet         <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
 * or see

 *	\file       htdocs/core/modules/supplier_order/pdf/pdf_mypdf.modules.php
 *	\ingroup    fournisseur
 *	\brief      File of class to generate suppliers orders from mypdf model

require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/modules/supplier_order/modules_commandefournisseur.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/fourn/class/fournisseur.commande.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/class/product.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/company.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/pdf.lib.php';

 *	Class to generate the supplier orders with the mypdf model
class pdf_mypdf extends ModelePDFSuppliersOrders
    var $db;
    var $name;
    var $description;
    var $type;

    var $phpmin = array(4,3,0); // Minimum version of PHP required by module
    var $version = 'dolibarr';

    var $page_largeur;
    var $page_hauteur;
    var $format;
	var $marge_gauche;
	var	$marge_droite;
	var	$marge_haute;
	var	$marge_basse;

	var $emetteur;	// Objet societe qui emet

	 *	Constructor
	 *  @param	DoliDB		$db      	Database handler
	function __construct($db)
		global $conf,$langs,$mysoc;


		$this->db = $db;
		$this->name = "mypdf";
		$this->description = $langs->trans('SuppliersCommandModel');

		// Dimension page pour format A4
		$this->type = 'pdf';
		$this->page_largeur = $formatarray['width'];
		$this->page_hauteur = $formatarray['height'];
		$this->format = array($this->page_largeur,$this->page_hauteur);
		$this->marge_haute =isset($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_TOP)?$conf->global->MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_TOP:10;
		$this->marge_basse =isset($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM)?$conf->global->MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM:10;

		$this->option_logo = 1;                    // Affiche logo
		$this->option_tva = 1;                     // Gere option tva FACTURE_TVAOPTION
		$this->option_modereg = 1;                 // Affiche mode reglement
		$this->option_condreg = 1;                 // Affiche conditions reglement
		$this->option_codeproduitservice = 1;      // Affiche code produit-service
		$this->option_multilang = 1;               // Dispo en plusieurs langues
		$this->option_escompte = 0;                // Affiche si il y a eu escompte
		$this->option_credit_note = 0;             // Support credit notes
		$this->option_freetext = 1;				   // Support add of a personalised text
		$this->option_draft_watermark = 1;		   // Support add of a watermark on drafts


        // Get source company
		if (empty($this->emetteur->country_code)) $this->emetteur->country_code=substr($langs->defaultlang,-2);    // By default, if was not defined

		// Define position of columns

		if ($conf->global->PRODUCT_USE_UNITS)
		} else {

		if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_WITHOUT_VAT)) $this->posxup = $this->posxtva; // posxtva is picture position reference
		$this->posxpicture=$this->posxtva - (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DOCUMENTS_WITH_PICTURE_WIDTH)?20:$conf->global->MAIN_DOCUMENTS_WITH_PICTURE_WIDTH);	// width of images
		if ($this->page_largeur < 210) // To work with US executive format


     *  Function to build pdf onto disk
     *  @param		CommandeFournisseur	$object				Id of object to generate
     *  @param		Translate			$outputlangs		Lang output object
     *  @param		string				$srctemplatepath	Full path of source filename for generator using a template file
     *  @param		int					$hidedetails		Do not show line details
     *  @param		int					$hidedesc			Do not show desc
     *  @param		int					$hideref			Do not show ref
     *  @return		int										1=OK, 0=KO
	function write_file($object,$outputlangs='',$srctemplatepath='',$hidedetails=0,$hidedesc=0,$hideref=0)
		global $user,$langs,$conf,$hookmanager,$mysoc,$nblignes;

		if (! is_object($outputlangs)) $outputlangs=$langs;
		// For backward compatibility with FPDF, force output charset to ISO, because FPDF expect text to be encoded in ISO
		if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_FPDF)) $outputlangs->charset_output='ISO-8859-1';


		$nblignes = count($object->lines);

		// Loop on each lines to detect if there is at least one image to show
		if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_GENERATE_SUPPLIER_ORDER_WITH_PICTURE))
			for ($i = 0 ; $i < $nblignes ; $i++)
				if (empty($object->lines[$i]->fk_product)) continue;

				$objphoto = new Product($this->db);

				if (! empty($conf->global->PRODUCT_USE_OLD_PATH_FOR_PHOTO))
					$pdir = get_exdir($object->lines[$i]->fk_product,2,0,0,$objphoto,'product') . $object->lines[$i]->fk_product ."/photos/";
					$dir = $conf->product->dir_output.'/'.$pdir;
					$pdir = get_exdir(0,2,0,0,$objphoto,'product') . dol_sanitizeFileName($objphoto->ref).'/';
					$dir = $conf->product->dir_output.'/'.$pdir;

				foreach ($objphoto->liste_photos($dir,1) as $key => $obj)
					//if ($obj['photo_vignette']) $filename='thumbs/'.$obj['photo_vignette'];
					$realpath = $dir.$filename;

				if ($realpath) $realpatharray[$i]=$realpath;
		if (count($realpatharray) == 0) $this->posxpicture=$this->posxtva;

		if ($conf->fournisseur->commande->dir_output)

			$deja_regle = 0;
			$amount_credit_notes_included = 0;
			$amount_deposits_included = 0;
			//$amount_credit_notes_included = $object->getSumCreditNotesUsed();
            //$amount_deposits_included = $object->getSumDepositsUsed();

			// Definition of $dir and $file
			if ($object->specimen)
				$dir = $conf->fournisseur->commande->dir_output;
				$file = $dir . "/SPECIMEN.pdf";
				$objectref = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref);
				$objectrefsupplier = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref_supplier);
				$dir = $conf->fournisseur->commande->dir_output . '/'. $objectref;
				$file = $dir . "/" . $objectref . ".pdf";
				if (! empty($conf->global->SUPPLIER_REF_IN_NAME)) $file = $dir . "/" . $objectref . ($objectrefsupplier?"_".$objectrefsupplier:"").".pdf";

			if (! file_exists($dir))
				if (dol_mkdir($dir) < 0)
					return 0;


			if (file_exists($dir))
				// Add pdfgeneration hook
				if (! is_object($hookmanager))
					include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/hookmanager.class.php';
					$hookmanager=new HookManager($this->db);
				global $action;
				$reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('beforePDFCreation',$parameters,$object,$action);    // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks

				$nblignes = count($object->lines);

                $default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);	// Must be after pdf_getInstance
                $heightforinfotot = 50;	// Height reserved to output the info and total part
		        $heightforfreetext= (isset($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_FREETEXT_HEIGHT)?$conf->global->MAIN_PDF_FREETEXT_HEIGHT:5);	// Height reserved to output the free text on last page
	            $heightforfooter = $this->marge_basse + 8;	// Height reserved to output the footer (value include bottom margin)

                if (class_exists('TCPDF'))
                // Set path to the background PDF File
                if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_FPDI) && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_ADD_PDF_BACKGROUND))
                    $pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile($conf->mycompany->dir_output.'/'.$conf->global->MAIN_ADD_PDF_BACKGROUND);
                    $tplidx = $pdf->importPage(1);


				$pdf->SetCreator("Dolibarr ".DOL_VERSION);
				$pdf->SetKeyWords($outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->ref)." ".$outputlangs->transnoentities("Order")." ".$outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->thirdparty->name));
				if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_COMPRESSION)) $pdf->SetCompression(false);

				$pdf->SetMargins($this->marge_gauche, $this->marge_haute, $this->marge_droite);   // Left, Top, Right

				// Positionne $this->atleastonediscount si on a au moins une remise
				for ($i = 0 ; $i < $nblignes ; $i++)
					if ($object->lines[$i]->remise_percent)
				if (empty($this->atleastonediscount) && empty($conf->global->PRODUCT_USE_UNITS))
					$this->posxpicture+=($this->postotalht - $this->posxdiscount);
					$this->posxtva+=($this->postotalht - $this->posxdiscount);
					$this->posxup+=($this->postotalht - $this->posxdiscount);
					$this->posxqty+=($this->postotalht - $this->posxdiscount);
					$this->posxdiscount+=($this->postotalht - $this->posxdiscount);

				// New page
				if (! empty($tplidx)) $pdf->useTemplate($tplidx);
				$this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 1, $outputlangs);
				$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);
				$pdf->MultiCell(0, 3, '');		// Set interline to 3

				$tab_top = 90;
				$tab_top_newpage = (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DONOTREPEAT_HEAD)?42:10);
				$tab_height = 130;
				$tab_height_newpage = 150;

				// Incoterm
				$height_incoterms = 0;
				if ($conf->incoterm->enabled)
					$desc_incoterms = $object->getIncotermsForPDF();
					if ($desc_incoterms)
						$tab_top = 88;

						$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);
						$pdf->writeHTMLCell(190, 3, $this->posxdesc-1, $tab_top-1, dol_htmlentitiesbr($desc_incoterms), 0, 1);
						$nexY = $pdf->GetY();

						// Rect prend une longueur en 3eme param
						$pdf->Rect($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top-1, $this->page_largeur-$this->marge_gauche-$this->marge_droite, $height_incoterms+1);

						$tab_top = $nexY+6;
						$height_incoterms += 4;

				// Affiche notes
				if (! empty($object->note_public))
					$tab_top = 88 + $height_incoterms;

					$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);
					$pdf->writeHTMLCell(190, 3, $this->posxdesc-1, $tab_top, dol_htmlentitiesbr($object->note_public), 0, 1);
					$nexY = $pdf->GetY();

					// Rect prend une longueur en 3eme param
					$pdf->Rect($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top-1, $this->page_largeur-$this->marge_gauche-$this->marge_droite, $height_note+1);

					$tab_height = $tab_height - $height_note;
					$tab_top = $nexY+6;

				$iniY = $tab_top + 7;
				$curY = $tab_top + 7;
				$nexY = $tab_top + 7;

				// Loop on each lines
				for ($i = 0 ; $i < $nblignes ; $i++)
					$curY = $nexY;
					$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);   // Into loop to work with multipage

					// Define size of image if we need it
					if (! empty($realpatharray[$i])) $imglinesize=pdf_getSizeForImage($realpatharray[$i]);

					$pdf->setPageOrientation('', 1, $heightforfooter+$heightforfreetext+$heightforinfotot);	// The only function to edit the bottom margin of current page to set it.


					// We start with Photo of product line
					if (!empty($imglinesize['width']) && !empty($imglinesize['height']) && ($curY + $imglinesize['height']) > ($this->page_hauteur-($heightforfooter+$heightforfreetext+$heightforinfotot)))	// If photo too high, we moved completely on new page
						if (! empty($tplidx)) $pdf->useTemplate($tplidx);
						if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DONOTREPEAT_HEAD)) $this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 0, $outputlangs);

						$curY = $tab_top_newpage;

					if (!empty($imglinesize['width']) && !empty($imglinesize['height']))
						$curX = $this->posxpicture-1;
						$pdf->Image($realpatharray[$i], $curX + (($this->posxtva-$this->posxpicture-$imglinesize['width'])/2), $curY, $imglinesize['width'], $imglinesize['height'], '', '', '', 2, 300);	// Use 300 dpi
						// $pdf->Image does not increase value return by getY, so we save it manually
					// Description of product line
					$curX = $this->posxdesc-1;

					if ($posYAfterImage > 0)
						$descWidth = $this->posxpicture-$curX;
						$descWidth = $this->posxtva-$curX;

					if ($pageposafter > $pageposbefore)	// There is a pagebreak
						//print $pageposafter.'-'.$pageposbefore;exit;
						$pdf->setPageOrientation('', 1, $heightforfooter);	// The only function to edit the bottom margin of current page to set it.
						if ($posyafter > ($this->page_hauteur - ($heightforfooter+$heightforfreetext+$heightforinfotot)))	// There is no space left for total+free text
							if ($i == ($nblignes-1))	// No more lines, and no space left to show total, so we create a new page
								if (! empty($tplidx)) $pdf->useTemplate($tplidx);
								if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DONOTREPEAT_HEAD)) $this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 0, $outputlangs);
							// We found a page break
					else	// No pagebreak

					$nexY = $pdf->GetY();
					$pdf->setPageOrientation('', 1, 0);	// The only function to edit the bottom margin of current page to set it.

					// We suppose that a too long description is moved completely on next page
					if ($pageposafter > $pageposbefore && empty($showpricebeforepagebreak)) {
						$pdf->setPage($pageposafter); $curY = $tab_top_newpage;

					$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);   // On repositionne la police par defaut

					// VAT Rate
					if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_WITHOUT_VAT))
						$vat_rate = pdf_getlinevatrate($object, $i, $outputlangs, $hidedetails);
						$pdf->SetXY($this->posxtva, $curY);
						$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxup-$this->posxtva-1, 3, $vat_rate, 0, 'R');

					// Unit price before discount
					$up_excl_tax = pdf_getlineupexcltax($object, $i, $outputlangs, $hidedetails);
					$pdf->SetXY($this->posxup, $curY);
					$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxqty-$this->posxup-0.8, 3, $up_excl_tax, 0, 'R', 0);

					// Quantity
					$pdf->SetXY($this->posxqty, $curY);
					// Enough for 6 chars
						$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxunit-$this->posxqty-0.8, 4, $object->lines[$i]->qty, 0, 'R');
						$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdiscount-$this->posxqty-0.8, 4, $object->lines[$i]->qty, 0, 'R');

					// Unit
						$unit = pdf_getlineunit($object, $i, $outputlangs, $hidedetails, $hookmanager);
						$pdf->SetXY($this->posxunit, $curY);
						$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdiscount-$this->posxunit-0.8, 4, $unit, 0, 'L');

					// Discount on line
					$pdf->SetXY($this->posxdiscount, $curY);
					if ($object->lines[$i]->remise_percent)
						$pdf->MultiCell($this->postotalht-$this->posxdiscount-1, 3, $object->lines[$i]->remise_percent."%", 0, 'R');

					// Total HT line
                    $total_excl_tax = pdf_getlinetotalexcltax($object, $i, $outputlangs);
					$pdf->SetXY($this->postotalht, $curY);
					$pdf->MultiCell($this->page_largeur-$this->marge_droite-$this->postotalht, 3, $total_excl_tax, 0, 'R', 0);

					// Collecte des totaux par valeur de tva dans $this->tva["taux"]=total_tva
					if ($conf->multicurrency->enabled && $object->multicurrency_tx != 1) $tvaligne=$object->lines[$i]->multicurrency_total_tva;
					else $tvaligne=$object->lines[$i]->total_tva;


					if (! empty($object->remise_percent)) $tvaligne-=($tvaligne*$object->remise_percent)/100;
					if (! empty($object->remise_percent)) $localtax1ligne-=($localtax1ligne*$object->remise_percent)/100;
					if (! empty($object->remise_percent)) $localtax2ligne-=($localtax2ligne*$object->remise_percent)/100;

					$vatrate=(string) $object->lines[$i]->tva_tx;

					// Retrieve type from database for backward compatibility with old records
					if ((! isset($localtax1_type) || $localtax1_type=='' || ! isset($localtax2_type) || $localtax2_type=='') // if tax type not defined
					&& (! empty($localtax1_rate) || ! empty($localtax2_rate))) // and there is local tax
						$localtax1_type = $localtaxtmp_array[0];
						$localtax2_type = $localtaxtmp_array[2];

				    // retrieve global local tax
					if ($localtax1_type && $localtax1ligne != 0)
					if ($localtax2_type && $localtax2ligne != 0)

					if (($object->lines[$i]->info_bits & 0x01) == 0x01) $vatrate.='*';
					if (! isset($this->tva[$vatrate])) 				$this->tva[$vatrate]=0;
					$this->tva[$vatrate] += $tvaligne;

					if ($posYAfterImage > $posYAfterDescription) $nexY=$posYAfterImage;

					// Add line
					if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DASH_BETWEEN_LINES) && $i < ($nblignes - 1))
						$pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $nexY+1, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite, $nexY+1);

					$nexY+=2;    // Passe espace entre les lignes

					// Detect if some page were added automatically and output _tableau for past pages
					while ($pagenb < $pageposafter)
						if ($pagenb == 1)
							$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 1, $object->multicurrency_code);
							$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 1, $object->multicurrency_code);
						$pdf->setPageOrientation('', 1, 0);	// The only function to edit the bottom margin of current page to set it.
						if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DONOTREPEAT_HEAD)) $this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 0, $outputlangs);
					if (isset($object->lines[$i+1]->pagebreak) && $object->lines[$i+1]->pagebreak)
						if ($pagenb == 1)
							$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 1, $object->multicurrency_code);
							$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 1, $object->multicurrency_code);
						// New page
						if (! empty($tplidx)) $pdf->useTemplate($tplidx);
						if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DONOTREPEAT_HEAD)) $this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 0, $outputlangs);

				// Show square
				if ($pagenb == 1)
					$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 0, $object->multicurrency_code);
					$bottomlasttab=$this->page_hauteur - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter + 1;
					$this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 0, $object->multicurrency_code);
					$bottomlasttab=$this->page_hauteur - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter + 1;

				// Affiche zone infos
				$posy=$this->_tableau_info($pdf, $object, $bottomlasttab, $outputlangs);

				// Affiche zone totaux
				$posy=$this->_tableau_tot($pdf, $object, $deja_regle, $bottomlasttab, $outputlangs);

				// Affiche zone versements
				if ($deja_regle || $amount_credit_notes_included || $amount_deposits_included)
					$posy=$this->_tableau_versements($pdf, $object, $posy, $outputlangs);

                // Pied de page
				$this->_pagefoot($pdf, $object, $outputlangs);
				if (method_exists($pdf,'AliasNbPages')) $pdf->AliasNbPages();



				// Add pdfgeneration hook
				global $action;
				$reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('afterPDFCreation',$parameters,$this,$action);    // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks

				if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK))
				@chmod($file, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK));

				$this->result = array('fullpath'=>$file);

				return 1;   // Pas d'erreur
				return 0;
			return 0;

	 *  Show payments table
	 *  @param	PDF			$pdf     		Object PDF
	 *  @param  CommandeFournisseur		$object			Object order
	 *	@param	int			$posy			Position y in PDF
	 *	@param	Translate	$outputlangs	Object langs for output
	 *	@return int							<0 if KO, >0 if OK
	function _tableau_versements(&$pdf, $object, $posy, $outputlangs)


	 *   Show miscellaneous information (payment mode, payment term, ...)
	 *   @param		PDF			$pdf     		Object PDF
	 *   @param		CommandeFournisseur		$object			Object to show
	 *   @param		int			$posy			Y
	 *   @param		Translate	$outputlangs	Langs object
	 *   @return	integer
	function _tableau_info(&$pdf, $object, $posy, $outputlangs)
	    global $conf;
	    $default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);

        // If France, show VAT mention if not applicable
		if ($this->emetteur->country_code == 'FR' && $this->franchise == 1)
			$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
			$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
			$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("VATIsNotUsedForInvoice"), 0, 'L', 0);



	    // Show payments conditions
	    if (!empty($object->cond_reglement_code) || $object->cond_reglement)
	        $pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
	        $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
	        $titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentConditions").':';
	        $pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $titre, 0, 'L');

			$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 2);
			$pdf->SetXY($posxval, $posy);
			$pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $lib_condition_paiement,0,'L');


      	// Show payment mode
        if (!empty($object->mode_reglement_code))
        	$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
        	$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
        	$titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentMode").':';
        	$pdf->MultiCell(80, 5, $titre, 0, 'L');

        	$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 2);
        	$pdf->SetXY($posxval, $posy);
        	$pdf->MultiCell(80, 5, $lib_mode_reg,0,'L');


		return $posy;

	 *	Show total to pay
	 *	@param	PDF			$pdf           Object PDF
	 *	@param  Facture		$object         Object invoice
	 *	@param  int			$deja_regle     Montant deja regle
	 *	@param	int			$posy			Position depart
	 *	@param	Translate	$outputlangs	Objet langs
	 *	@return int							Position pour suite
	function _tableau_tot(&$pdf, $object, $deja_regle, $posy, $outputlangs)
		global $conf,$mysoc;

		$default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);

        $tab2_top = $posy;
		$tab2_hl = 4;
		$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);

		// Tableau total
		$col1x = 120; $col2x = 170;
		if ($this->page_largeur < 210) // To work with US executive format
		$largcol2 = ($this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite - $col2x);

		$index = 0;

		// Total HT
		$pdf->SetXY($col1x, $tab2_top + 0);
		$pdf->MultiCell($col2x-$col1x, $tab2_hl, $outputlangs->transnoentities("TotalHT"), 0, 'L', 1);

		$total_ht = ($conf->multicurrency->enabled && $object->mylticurrency_tx != 1 ? $object->multicurrency_total_ht : $object->total_ht);
		$pdf->SetXY($col2x, $tab2_top + 0);
		$pdf->MultiCell($largcol2, $tab2_hl, price($total_ht + (! empty($object->remise)?$object->remise:0)), 0, 'R', 1);

		// Show VAT by rates and total

		foreach( $this->tva as $tvakey => $tvaval )
			if ($tvakey > 0)    // On affiche pas taux 0

				$pdf->SetXY($col1x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);


				if (preg_match('/\*/',$tvakey))
					$tvacompl = " (".$outputlangs->transnoentities("NonPercuRecuperable").")";

				$totalvat =$outputlangs->transcountrynoentities("TotalVAT",$mysoc->country_code).' ';
				$pdf->MultiCell($col2x-$col1x, $tab2_hl, $totalvat, 0, 'L', 1);

				$pdf->SetXY($col2x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
				$pdf->MultiCell($largcol2, $tab2_hl, price($tvaval), 0, 'R', 1);
		if (! $this->atleastoneratenotnull) // If no vat at all
			$pdf->SetXY($col1x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
			$pdf->MultiCell($col2x-$col1x, $tab2_hl, $outputlangs->transcountrynoentities("TotalVAT", $mysoc->country_code), 0, 'L', 1);

			$pdf->SetXY($col2x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
			$pdf->MultiCell($largcol2, $tab2_hl, price($object->total_tva), 0, 'R', 1);

			// Total LocalTax1
			if (! empty($conf->global->FACTURE_LOCAL_TAX1_OPTION) && $conf->global->FACTURE_LOCAL_TAX1_OPTION=='localtax1on' && $object->total_localtax1>0)
				$pdf->SetXY($col1x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
				$pdf->MultiCell($col2x-$col1x, $tab2_hl, $outputlangs->transcountrynoentities("TotalLT1",$mysoc->country_code), 0, 'L', 1);
				$pdf->SetXY($col2x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
				$pdf->MultiCell($largcol2, $tab2_hl, price($object->total_localtax1), $useborder, 'R', 1);

			// Total LocalTax2
			if (! empty($conf->global->FACTURE_LOCAL_TAX2_OPTION) && $conf->global->FACTURE_LOCAL_TAX2_OPTION=='localtax2on' && $object->total_localtax2>0)
				$pdf->SetXY($col1x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
				$pdf->MultiCell($col2x-$col1x, $tab2_hl, $outputlangs->transcountrynoentities("TotalLT2",$mysoc->country_code), 0, 'L', 1);
				$pdf->SetXY($col2x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
				$pdf->MultiCell($largcol2, $tab2_hl, price($object->total_localtax2), $useborder, 'R', 1);
			//if (! empty($conf->global->FACTURE_LOCAL_TAX1_OPTION) && $conf->global->FACTURE_LOCAL_TAX1_OPTION=='localtax1on')
    			//Local tax 1
			foreach( $this->localtax1 as $localtax_type => $localtax_rate )
				if (in_array((string) $localtax_type, array('2','4','6'))) continue;

				foreach( $localtax_rate as $tvakey => $tvaval )
					if ($tvakey != 0)    // On affiche pas taux 0

						$pdf->SetXY($col1x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);

						if (preg_match('/\*/',$tvakey))
							$tvacompl = " (".$outputlangs->transnoentities("NonPercuRecuperable").")";
						$totalvat =$outputlangs->transcountrynoentities("TotalLT1",$mysoc->country_code).' ';
						$pdf->MultiCell($col2x-$col1x, $tab2_hl, $totalvat, 0, 'L', 1);

						$pdf->SetXY($col2x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
						$pdf->MultiCell($largcol2, $tab2_hl, price($tvaval, 0, $outputlangs), 0, 'R', 1);

			//if (! empty($conf->global->FACTURE_LOCAL_TAX2_OPTION) && $conf->global->FACTURE_LOCAL_TAX2_OPTION=='localtax2on')
    			//Local tax 2
			foreach( $this->localtax2 as $localtax_type => $localtax_rate )
				if (in_array((string) $localtax_type, array('2','4','6'))) continue;

				foreach( $localtax_rate as $tvakey => $tvaval )
					if ($tvakey != 0)    // On affiche pas taux 0

						$pdf->SetXY($col1x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);

						if (preg_match('/\*/',$tvakey))
							$tvacompl = " (".$outputlangs->transnoentities("NonPercuRecuperable").")";
						$totalvat =$outputlangs->transcountrynoentities("TotalLT2",$mysoc->country_code).' ';
						$pdf->MultiCell($col2x-$col1x, $tab2_hl, $totalvat, 0, 'L', 1);

						$pdf->SetXY($col2x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
						$pdf->MultiCell($largcol2, $tab2_hl, price($tvaval), 0, 'R', 1);

		// Total TTC
		$pdf->SetXY($col1x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
		$pdf->MultiCell($col2x-$col1x, $tab2_hl, $outputlangs->transnoentities("TotalTTC"), $useborder, 'L', 1);

		$total_ttc = ($conf->multicurrency->enabled && $object->multicurrency_tx != 1) ? $object->multicurrency_total_ttc : $object->total_ttc;
		$pdf->SetXY($col2x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
		$pdf->MultiCell($largcol2, $tab2_hl, price($total_ttc), $useborder, 'R', 1);
		$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);

		//print "x".$creditnoteamount."-".$depositsamount;exit;
		$resteapayer = price2num($total_ttc - $deja_regle - $creditnoteamount - $depositsamount, 'MT');
		if (! empty($object->paye)) $resteapayer=0;

		if ($deja_regle > 0)
			// Already paid + Deposits

			$pdf->SetXY($col1x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
			$pdf->MultiCell($col2x-$col1x, $tab2_hl, $outputlangs->transnoentities("AlreadyPaid"), 0, 'L', 0);
			$pdf->SetXY($col2x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
			$pdf->MultiCell($largcol2, $tab2_hl, price($deja_regle), 0, 'R', 0);

			$pdf->SetXY($col1x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
			$pdf->MultiCell($col2x-$col1x, $tab2_hl, $outputlangs->transnoentities("RemainderToPay"), $useborder, 'L', 1);

			$pdf->SetXY($col2x, $tab2_top + $tab2_hl * $index);
			$pdf->MultiCell($largcol2, $tab2_hl, price($resteapayer), $useborder, 'R', 1);

			$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);

		return ($tab2_top + ($tab2_hl * $index));

	 *   Show table for lines
	 *   @param		PDF			$pdf     		Object PDF
	 *   @param		string		$tab_top		Top position of table
	 *   @param		string		$tab_height		Height of table (rectangle)
	 *   @param		int			$nexY			Y (not used)
	 *   @param		Translate	$outputlangs	Langs object
	 *   @param		int			$hidetop		Hide top bar of array
	 *   @param		int			$hidebottom		Hide bottom bar of array
	 *   @param		string		$currency		Currency code
	 *   @return	void
	function _tableau(&$pdf, $tab_top, $tab_height, $nexY, $outputlangs, $hidetop=0, $hidebottom=0, $currency='')
		global $conf;

		// Force to disable hidetop and hidebottom
		if ($hidetop) $hidetop=-1;

		$currency = !empty($currency) ? $currency : $conf->currency;
		$default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);

        // Amount in (at tab_top - 1)
		$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 2);

		if (empty($hidetop))
			$titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("AmountInCurrency",$outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Currency".$currency));
			$pdf->SetXY($this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite - ($pdf->GetStringWidth($titre) + 3), $tab_top-4);
			$pdf->MultiCell(($pdf->GetStringWidth($titre) + 3), 2, $titre);

			if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_TITLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR)) $pdf->Rect($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top, $this->page_largeur-$this->marge_droite-$this->marge_gauche, 5, 'F', null, explode(',',$conf->global->MAIN_PDF_TITLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR));

		$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);

		// Output Rect
		$this->printRect($pdf,$this->marge_gauche, $tab_top, $this->page_largeur-$this->marge_gauche-$this->marge_droite, $tab_height, $hidetop, $hidebottom);	// Rect prend une longueur en 3eme param et 4eme param

		if (empty($hidetop))
			$pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top+5, $this->page_largeur-$this->marge_droite, $tab_top+5);	// line prend une position y en 2eme param et 4eme param

			$pdf->SetXY($this->posxdesc-1, $tab_top+1);
			$pdf->MultiCell(108,2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Designation"),'','L');
   		if (empty($hidetop))
			$pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top+5, $this->page_largeur-$this->marge_droite, $tab_top+5);	// line prend une position y en 2eme param et 4eme param

			$pdf->SetXY($this->posxsupref-1, $tab_top+1);
			$pdf->MultiCell(108,2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("SupplierRef"),'','L');
        if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_WITHOUT_VAT))
    		$pdf->line($this->posxtva, $tab_top, $this->posxtva, $tab_top + $tab_height);
			if (empty($hidetop))
    			$pdf->SetXY($this->posxtva-3, $tab_top+1);
    			$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxup-$this->posxtva+3,2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("VAT"),'','C');

		$pdf->line($this->posxup, $tab_top, $this->posxup, $tab_top + $tab_height);
		if (empty($hidetop))
			$pdf->SetXY($this->posxup-1, $tab_top+1);
			$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxqty-$this->posxup-1,2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("PriceUHT"),'','C');

		$pdf->line($this->posxqty-1, $tab_top, $this->posxqty-1, $tab_top + $tab_height);
		if (empty($hidetop))
			$pdf->SetXY($this->posxqty-1, $tab_top+1);
				$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxunit-$this->posxqty-1,2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Qty"),'','C');
				$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdiscount-$this->posxqty-1,2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Qty"),'','C');

		if($conf->global->PRODUCT_USE_UNITS) {
			$pdf->line($this->posxunit - 1, $tab_top, $this->posxunit - 1, $tab_top + $tab_height);
			if (empty($hidetop)) {
				$pdf->SetXY($this->posxunit - 1, $tab_top + 1);
				$pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdiscount - $this->posxunit - 1, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Unit"), '',

		$pdf->line($this->posxdiscount-1, $tab_top, $this->posxdiscount-1, $tab_top + $tab_height);
		if (empty($hidetop))
			if ($this->atleastonediscount)
				$pdf->SetXY($this->posxdiscount-1, $tab_top+1);
				$pdf->MultiCell($this->postotalht-$this->posxdiscount+1,2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("ReductionShort"),'','C');

		if ($this->atleastonediscount)
			$pdf->line($this->postotalht, $tab_top, $this->postotalht, $tab_top + $tab_height);
		if (empty($hidetop))
			$pdf->SetXY($this->postotalht-1, $tab_top+1);
			$pdf->MultiCell(30,2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("TotalHTShort"),'','C');

	 *  Show top header of page.
	 *  @param	PDF			$pdf     		Object PDF
	 *  @param  CommandeFournisseur		$object     	Object to show
	 *  @param  int	    	$showaddress    0=no, 1=yes
	 *  @param  Translate	$outputlangs	Object lang for output
	 *  @return	void
	function _pagehead(&$pdf, $object, $showaddress, $outputlangs)
		global $langs,$conf,$mysoc;


		$default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);

		// Do not add the BACKGROUND as this is for suppliers

		//Affiche le filigrane brouillon - Print Draft Watermark
		/*if($object->statut==0 && (! empty($conf->global->COMMANDE_DRAFT_WATERMARK)) )
		//Print content

		$pdf->SetFont('','B',$default_font_size + 3);



		// Logo
		if ($this->emetteur->logo)
			if (is_readable($logo))
			    $pdf->Image($logo, $this->marge_gauche, $posy, 0, $height);	// width=0 (auto)
				$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
				$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("ErrorLogoFileNotFound",$logo), 0, 'L');
				$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("ErrorGoToModuleSetup"), 0, 'L');
			$pdf->MultiCell(100, 4, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($text), 0, 'L');

		$pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size + 1);
		$title=$outputlangs->transnoentities("SupplierOrder")." ".$outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->ref);
		$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $title, '', 'R');

		if ($object->ref_supplier)
			$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size);
			$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("RefSupplier")." : " . $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->ref_supplier), '', 'R');

		$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size -1);

		if (! empty($conf->global->PDF_SHOW_PROJECT))
			if (! empty($object->project->ref))
				$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Project")." : " . (empty($object->project->ref)?'':$object->projet->ref), '', 'R');

		if (! empty($object->date_commande))
			$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("OrderDate")." : " . dol_print_date($object->date_commande,"day",false,$outputlangs,true), '', 'R');
			$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("OrderToProcess"), '', 'R');

		if (!empty($conf->global->SUPPLIER_ORDER_USE_HOUR_FOR_DELIVERY_DATE)) $usehourmin='dayhour';
		if (! empty($object->date_livraison))
			$pdf->MultiCell(190, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("DateDeliveryPlanned")." : " . dol_print_date($object->date_livraison,$usehourmin,false,$outputlangs,true), '', 'R');

		if ($object->thirdparty->code_fournisseur)
			$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("SupplierCode")." : " . $outputlangs->transnoentities($object->thirdparty->code_fournisseur), '', 'R');

		// Get contact
		if (!empty($conf->global->DOC_SHOW_FIRST_SALES_REP))
    		if (count($arrayidcontact) > 0)
    		    $usertmp=new User($this->db);
    		    $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $langs->trans("BuyerName")." : ".$usertmp->getFullName($langs), '', 'R');


		// Show list of linked objects
		$posy = pdf_writeLinkedObjects($pdf, $object, $outputlangs, $posx, $posy, 100, 3, 'R', $default_font_size);

		if ($showaddress)
			// Sender properties
			$carac_emetteur = pdf_build_address($outputlangs, $this->emetteur, $object->thirdparty);
			// Add internal contact of proposal if defined
		 	if (count($arrayidcontact) > 0)
		 		$carac_emetteur .= ($carac_emetteur ? "\n" : '' ).$labelbeforecontactname." ".$outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->user->getFullName($outputlangs))."\n";

		 	//$carac_emetteur .= pdf_build_address($outputlangs, $this->emetteur, $object->thirdparty);
			// Show sender
			if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_INVERT_SENDER_RECIPIENT)) $posx=$this->page_largeur-$this->marge_droite-80;

			// Show sender frame
			$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 2);
			$pdf->MultiCell(66,5, $outputlangs->transnoentities("BillFrom").":", 0, 'L');
			$pdf->MultiCell(82, $hautcadre, "", 0, 'R', 1);

			// Show sender name
			$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size);
			$pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($this->emetteur->name), 0, 'L');

			// Show sender information
			$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 3);
			$pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $carac_emetteur, 0, 'L');

			// If BILLING contact defined on order, we use it
			if (count($arrayidcontact) > 0)

			//Recipient name
			// We can use the name of the company of the contact
			if ($usecontact && !empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_COMPANY_NAME_OF_CONTACT)) {
				$thirdparty = $object->contact;
			} else {
				$thirdparty = $object->thirdparty;

			$carac_client_name= pdfBuildThirdpartyName($thirdparty, $outputlangs);


			// Show recipient
			if ($this->page_largeur < 210) $widthrecbox=84;	// To work with US executive format
			if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_INVERT_SENDER_RECIPIENT)) $posx=$this->marge_gauche;

			// Show recipient frame
			$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 2);
			$pdf->MultiCell($widthrecbox, 5, $outputlangs->transnoentities("BillTo").":",0,'L');
			$pdf->Rect($posx, $posy, $widthrecbox, $hautcadre);

			// Show recipient name
			$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size);
			$pdf->MultiCell($widthrecbox, 4, $carac_client_name, 0, 'L');

			$posy = $pdf->getY();

			// Show recipient information
			$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);
			$pdf->MultiCell($widthrecbox, 4, $carac_client, 0, 'L');

	 *   	Show footer of page. Need this->emetteur object
	 *   	@param	PDF			$pdf     			PDF
	 * 		@param	CommandeFournisseur		$object				Object to show
	 *      @param	Translate	$outputlangs		Object lang for output
	 *      @param	int			$hidefreetext		1=Hide free text
	 *      @return	int								Return height of bottom margin including footer text
	function _pagefoot(&$pdf, $object, $outputlangs, $hidefreetext=0)
		global $conf;
		return pdf_pagefoot($pdf,$outputlangs,'SUPPLIER_ORDER_FREE_TEXT',$this->emetteur,$this->marge_basse,$this->marge_gauche,$this->page_hauteur,$object,$showdetails,$hidefreetext);


Espero que con su experiencia me puedan ayudar.

Por cierto, ya revisé la lista de "Other Setup" lo único que logré habilitar fue:

1.-Mostrar el proyecto en PDF de orden a proveedor(PDF_SHOW_PROJECT)
2.-Mostrar imagen del producto(MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENT_WITH_PICTURE)

Por si a alguien mas le sirve....

Las imágenes se las debo por que no me deja subir adjuntos al tema...

Gracias de antemano.


Mensajes: 48
Registrado: Vie, 03/03/2017, 17:25

Mensaje por maynorf »

Podrías colocar unas imágenes en mega, por ejemplo, de que es lo que quieres que haga el pdf?


Mensajes: 8
Registrado: Vie, 27/04/2018, 21:16

Mensaje por edd_ts »

maynorf escribió:Podrías colocar unas imágenes en mega, por ejemplo, de que es lo que quieres que haga el pdf?

Espero esta funcione...

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 308
Registrado: Mar, 03/02/2015, 17:46

Mensaje por aitorxs »

para borrar la referencia de los productos en la generación de los PDF tienes que dirigirte a configuracion->PDF y seleccionar referencia de los productos en la generación de los PDF (sI). Para lo restante tendrias que tocar código para la generacion del pdf que por cierto no es tan dificil | | Trujillo - Perú
*Si no respondo los mensajes....enviame un email ;)

Mensajes: 12
Registrado: Dom, 06/05/2018, 01:01

Mensaje por elsysca »

hola.. luego de actualizar a la version 7.0.3 , me didico a crear un presupuesto y dar clic en enviar por correo electronico me dale el siguiente mensaje
---------------------------------------------- ME AYUDAN? GRACIAS
Dolibarr ha detectado un error técnico.
Esta información puede ser útil para el diagnóstico (puede configurar la opción $dolibarr_main_prod to '1' para eliminar estas notificaciones):
Fecha: 20180806185304
Dolibarr: 7.0.3
Nivel de características: 0
PHP: 5.6.36
Server: Apache
OS: Linux 3.10.0-714.10.2.lve1.5.17.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Apr 30 13:06:32 EDT 2018 x86_64
UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0

URL solicitada: /htdocs/comm/propal/card.php?id=25&action=presend&mode=init
Referer: ... .php?id=25
Administrar menú: eldy_menu.php

Administrador de tipo de base de datos: mysqli
Último error en solicitud de acceso de base de datos: SELECT label, topic, joinfiles, content, content_lines, lang FROM llx_c_email_templates WHERE (type_template='propal_send' OR type_template='all') AND entity IN (0,1) AND (private = 0 OR fk_user = 1) AND active = 1 AND (lang = 'es_MX' OR lang IS NULL OR lang = '') AND position=0 ORDER BY position ASC, lang, label LIMIT 1
Código de retorno de error para la última petición de acceso a la base de datos: DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD
Información del último error de petición de acceso de base de datos: Unknown column 'joinfiles' in 'field list'

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Mensajes: 308
Registrado: Mar, 03/02/2015, 17:46

Mensaje por aitorxs »

elsysca escribió:hola.. luego de actualizar a la version 7.0.3 , me didico a crear un presupuesto y dar clic en enviar por correo electronico me dale el siguiente mensaje
---------------------------------------------- ME AYUDAN? GRACIAS
Dolibarr ha detectado un error técnico.
Esta información puede ser útil para el diagnóstico (puede configurar la opción $dolibarr_main_prod to '1' para eliminar estas notificaciones):
Fecha: 20180806185304
Dolibarr: 7.0.3
Nivel de características: 0
PHP: 5.6.36
Server: Apache
OS: Linux 3.10.0-714.10.2.lve1.5.17.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Apr 30 13:06:32 EDT 2018 x86_64
UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0

URL solicitada: /htdocs/comm/propal/card.php?id=25&action=presend&mode=init
Referer: ... .php?id=25
Administrar menú: eldy_menu.php

Administrador de tipo de base de datos: mysqli
Último error en solicitud de acceso de base de datos: SELECT label, topic, joinfiles, content, content_lines, lang FROM llx_c_email_templates WHERE (type_template='propal_send' OR type_template='all') AND entity IN (0,1) AND (private = 0 OR fk_user = 1) AND active = 1 AND (lang = 'es_MX' OR lang IS NULL OR lang = '') AND position=0 ORDER BY position ASC, lang, label LIMIT 1
Código de retorno de error para la última petición de acceso a la base de datos: DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD
Información del último error de petición de acceso de base de datos: Unknown column 'joinfiles' in 'field list'
Deberias de abrir un nuevo tema para tu problema; por mientras porque no pruebas creando la columna "joinfiles" segun el error esa es la columna que te falta. | | Trujillo - Perú
*Si no respondo los mensajes....enviame un email ;)

Mensajes: 8
Registrado: Vie, 27/04/2018, 21:16

Mensaje por edd_ts »

Que tal elsysca:

creo que actualizaron una variable en el código, solo tienes que declararla en tu config file según el wiki de dolibarr:

Revísalo a ver si con eso puedes solucionarlo.
